
Pet Run A Endangerment Handbook

Pet Run A Endangerment Handbook

Pet Run A Endangerment Handbook

When you lot produce got reached Lv30, you lot could ain an adorable direct chances partner that would accompany you lot inward battles.

First, you lot produce got to consummate Pet Taming Quest, available inward South Prontera. He volition give you lot a request to pick out grip of a poring. Just follow the instructions given too you lot volition larn the poring equally your pet.

After you lot larn your pet, you lot produce got to produce got a expect into your pet's intimacy.

It's nearly how unopen you lot are alongside your pet, too alongside plenty intimacy level, it could unlock to a greater extent than or less pet equipments too features similar Adventure Handbook or Pet's Labor.

You tin growth your pet affection alongside simply pick out them to battles or pat its head.

Pet Adventure Handbook Ragnarok grand Eternal Love

After your pet's intimacy reached Lv3, you lot volition endure given a Pet Adventure Handbook equally a reward. With this, you lot tin post your pet for an direct chances too afterwards it returned, it volition pick out you lot to a greater extent than or less goodies including to a greater extent than or less Colorful Shells.

Sending your pet volition eat lx mins of stamina too your pet volition likewise become on direct chances for lx mins.

 you lot could ain an adorable direct chances partner that would accompany you lot inward battles Pet Adventure Handbook

Doing an direct chances for the kickoff fourth dimension inward a novel percentage volition give you lot Colorful Shells equally good equally unlocking that region.

The notable vantage for pet direct chances is an Adventure Box.

When opened, it could give you lot to a greater extent than or less Colorful Shells too Pet Exp. Colorful Shells tin endure used to purchase to a greater extent than or less other pet's taming item.

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